Mobile Application for Dairy Producers - Dairy Expert
ProjectsThe business of dairy cattle business in Turkey is generally small business family business. Awareness raising on small family farm dairy farming is important for industry continuity as well as providing the desired criteria for milk quality.
In this regard, a mobile application was developed to support dairy farmers by keeping up with the digitalizing world, to increase their knowledge, to encourage them to correct animal husbandry practices, to reinforce the information given in trainings, and to reach farmers who cannot be reached physically with training.
In order to support dairy farmers, increase their knowledge, encourage them to adopt the right animal husbandry practices and reach farmers who cannot be reached physically through training, a mobile application called " Dairy Expert" was launched under the leadership of Pınar Institute. With " Dairy Expert", which was developed for small producers, it was aimed especially for small-scale milk producers to implement the right practices in animal husbandry, to increase welfare with increased income and to increase their motivation to continue milk production.
The application includes four main categories: Trainings, Practical Information, News and Events. Under the title of Trainings; there are informative videos on milk quality, care and feeding, animal health and financial management. Short and clear articles on topics such as calf care and feeding, cattle feeding, welfare, health and feed information are gathered under the Practical Information heading. Sectoral innovations and developments are available under the News heading.
All upcoming trainings given under the Future of Our Milk in Safe Hands project are announced under the Events heading.
With " Dairy Expert", it was aimed to create a platform where producers who could not be reached through one-to-one training, as well as producers who could be reached through training, could reinforce their knowledge and improve themselves. The application, whose development and testing phase was completed in 2021, was made available to all milk producers in the IOS and Android application stores of smartphones in February 2022.